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Jim Thorpe club hosts children’s fishing derby

The Germantown Grove Club of Jim Thorpe held its 68th Annual Fishing Derby on Saturday, continuing a long tradition of helping area children. This year, it was held as a memorial to two special people.

“This year we are doing it as a memorial to Richard “Rug” McArdle, a club member who passed away in October, and in honor of my son, Hunter Wolfe, who died in 2011,” Kim Sargent said. “We put in over 700 fish today; children 15 and under, and any children with special needs, can fish with their families and have a good time, without any pressure.”

The club has been hosting a fishing derby for special needs children for the past 67 years. Well, almost.

“We couldn’t do it the last three years because of COVID and busing the children,” organizer Joe Shigo said, “But we said we have to do something. If the school could not bus them on a Thursday or Friday, we would let it up to the parents to bring them and do it on a Saturday.”

Approximately 20 children, along with their families, took part in the event. Some prizes were awarded later in the afternoon.

“We had one family who came early in the morning, all the way from Williamsport with their special needs son,” Shigo said. “We let them fish and they caught some. It’s about helping the children.”

“It’s all good stuff, feel good stuff,” Sargent added, “and it’s nice to see the next generation take an interest. We have some students here from the school looking for some community service hours.”

The fishing derby started in 1954 by the American Legion and by Germantown resident Phil Rodgers and others. The children were able to experience the thrill of the sport by getting to catch fish in the section of the stream maintained and stocked by the Germantown Grove Club.

In addition to catching the fish, the children were treated to barbecue, hog dogs, chips and pretzels, drinks, and prizes.

Sponsors for the event include the Germantown Grove Club, Ann McArdle, Ashley McArdle, Sargent Enterprises Inc., Mount Vista Realty, Joe & Marie Shigo, Smith Country Store, Stianche Funeral Home, Gary & Nancy Patton, Bowmanstown Rod & Gun Club, Christine Hammell, Butch Mertz & Family, Dawn Mangimele, Diligent Fire Co, Oriole’s Nest Aux 83, Chad & Brook Zaengle, Doyle Heffley, Fred Merluzzi, Dwayne Hunsicker, Bob McArdle, Tom Kusak, Bull & Marie Ravert, Marzen’s Hardware, and Jim Thorpe Sportsmen Club.

Above: Children 15 and under enjoy fishing at the Rug McArdle & Hunter Wolfe Memorial Fishing Derby at the Germanstown Grove Club, Jim Thorpe.
Left: Anna Cunningham, Jim Thorpe, shows one of the fish she caught at the Rug McArdle & Hunter Wolfe Memorial Fishing Derby at the Germanstown Grove Club, Jim Thorpe. See a photo gallery at tnonline.com. JAMES LOGUE JR./SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS
Roman Goldberg proudly holds a fish he caught at the Rug McArdle & Hunter Wolfe Memorial Fishing Derby at the Germanstown Grove Club, Jim Thorpe.