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West Penn applies for LSA grant for pumper for fire company

West Penn Fire Company is hoping to add a new piece of apparatus to its fleet of vehicles.

Township supervisors Monday morning unanimously adopted a resolution to apply for a Local Share Account grant in the amount of $260,000 for a CV Mini Pumper and Wil-Burt Light Tower.

The resolution designates Supervisor Glenn Hummel and fire Chief Jeff Bradford as the officials to execute all documents and agreements between the township board and Commonwealth Financing Authority to facilitate and assist in obtaining the requested grant.

The grant applied for is in the amount of $260,000, and would be for a CV Mini Pumper and Wil-Burt Light Tower.

Hummel explained that the township is eligible to receive the grant.

Resident Delroy Haas thanked Hummel for sharing that information.

The PA Race Horse Development and Gaming Act provides for the distribution of gaming revenues through the Commonwealth Financing Authority to support projects in the public interest within the commonwealth.