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Pennsylvania Dutch tradition

Gloria Faust of Aunt G’s Pastries serves up hundreds of Pennsylvania Dutch fastnachts from her home bakery on Snowdrift Road in Andreas. The annual tradition, “fasting night,” falls on Shrove Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday. While recipes vary, Faust follows the time-honored traditional approach to fastnachts, using potatoes and yeast. Eating fastnachts was a way to use up butter and lard before fasting. DONALD R. SERFASS/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS

Gloria Faust of Aunt G's Pastries serves up hundreds of Pennsylvania Dutch fastnachts from her home bakery on Snowdrift Road in Andreas. The annual tradition, “fasting night,” falls on Shrove Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday. While recipes vary, Faust follows the time-honored traditional approach to fastnachts, using potatoes and yeast. Eating fastnachts was a way to use up butter and lard before fasting. DONALD R. SERFASS/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS