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Columnist releases new book

Noted minister and faith columnist releases new book about healing and miracles. “Receiving Our Healing - Going to War on our Knees” by Dr. William F. Holland Jr.

Holland’s column appears regularly on the Times News religion page.

As the author of “A Lifestyle of Worship - Living in the Awareness of God’s Presence” and, “Convictions and Considerations - Encouragement for the Soul” Holland presents another inspirational and encouraging resource that focuses on divine healing and miracles.

Christ declares in Matthew 8:3, “I am willing, be healed” and Hebrews 13:8 promises that He is the same yesterday, today and forever. This life-changing statement emphatically declares that healing and miracles are truly the will of God for us today.

With biblical commentaries on the holy Scriptures, in-depth spiritual insights, mysteries and questions explained, and faith-building true accounts of modern-day miracles, this compilation seeks to enlighten and strengthen those who are seeking to know God more intimately, including understanding what His specific will is for our lives.

“It’s important for everyone to know that whatever you are facing, your situation is not larger or more devastating than God’s ability and authority,” Holland says.

“The Bible declares that nothing is impossible with Him, but in order for His authority to be demonstrated, we must believe that He is who He says He is. Some are just looking for a quick fix, but the Lord is waiting for those who are willing to trust Him and surrender their lives to Him completely.”

Holland writes for over 200 newspapers and magazines around the country.

For more information about his ministry or the book, visit billyhollandministries.com or email him at psalmz103@gmail.com.

Faith columnist Dr. William F. Holland Jr. has released “Receiving Our Healing - Going to War on our Knees”