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Ways to save on energy bills during cold weather

HARRISBURG – With January utility bills reflecting higher energy costs and increased cold weather energy usage for many consumers, the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission is reminding electric customers to explore ways to conserve energy and save – including comparing prices for electric generation, evaluating competitive supplier offers and looking at competitive market options such as time-of-use and renewable energy products.

The PUC continues to underscore the importance of consumers, businesses and utilities working together during this unprecedented time – and encouraging struggling consumers to #CallUtilitiesNow to discuss utility assistance programs with their utilities.

Managing energy usage

• Pay attention to the thermostat – Every degree you raise or lower the temperature could impact energy costs by up to 3%. Also, consider a programmable thermostat to automatically lower temperatures at night or while you are away from home.

• Keep furnaces and ducts clean – Regular furnace maintenance along with clean filters and ducts help ensure efficient operation of your heating system.

• Winterize your home – Adding insulation, installing storm windows and doors, and sealing cracks and air leaks can help you stay warmer and use less energy.

• Check your hot water heater – Temperatures over 120 degrees can be a major power drain.

• Run full loads – Waiting for full loads in washers and dishwashers can help reduce the use of hot water and limit the amount of energy needed to heat that water.

• The PUC’s electric shopping website PAPowerSwitch.com has interactive sections with more easy consumer tips for saving energy.

In most areas of Pennsylvania, consumers can choose who supplies their electricity, based on price or other factors, such as renewable energy.

Most Pennsylvania regulated electric utilities recently adjusted the price they charge for the generation portion of customers’ bills for non-shopping customers, also known as the “Price to Compare” The PTC averages 40% to 60% of the customer’s total utility bill.