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Chestnuthill discusses ambulance service, merger

The Chestnuthill Township Board of supervisors met recently with Lehigh Valley Health Network-Pocono and West End Ambulance to discuss service.

In 2017 the West End Community Ambulance was acquired by Pocono Medical Center that is now Lehigh Valley Hospital-Pocono.

Lehigh Valley also operates EMS services in Luzerne and Lehigh Valley counties and they are announcing they plan to form a singular Emergency Medical Service organization called Lehigh Valley Health-Network Emergency Medical Services and to merge West End Ambulance along with other agencies listed into a single EMS entity on Jan. 1, 2022.

The discussion during the work session was to find out if there will be any changes other than the existing operation, except the merger.

Representatives Keith Micucci, administrator of Emergency Medical Service and Jason Knight, operation supervisor, West End Division, indicated there would be no other changes in the operations.

“They will be dispatching the West End Fire Company to help with cardiac arrest patients, and although the merger will have a new name, services will remain the same,” he said.

According to Knight, Lehigh Valley is 100% committed to the new emergency facility and eager to make the merger work.

Other business

• Eagle Scout Michael Tuin presented his Eagle Scout Project to the supervisors. His project is restoring the Veterans Memorial in the Chestnuthill Park.

The project restoring the veterans memorial in the park, involves painting, removing rust, and replacing faded stickers as well as restoring benches. It also includes some landscape improvement and putting a protection around the memorial so kids or anyone else can’t climb on it.

“I really commend you for taking on such a big project,” township Manager Dave Albright said.

• Bernie Kozen, Executive Director of Parks and Recreation reported 146 entries for the coloring contest. More than 100 kids came to the park to see Santa.

“The responses to activities are going so well I am thinking about holding a chili cook-off in February, so get your chili recipes together,” he said.

Supervisor Rob Baxter said he has received some really good feedback from people on the story walks at the different parks.