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Monroe commissioners ensure smooth election

The Monroe County Commissioners had a busy week making sure the local political election ran smoothly with no big hiccups.

After the late election night, the commissioners had to be at their office for the 9:30 a.m. regular Monroe County Commissioners’ meeting and then spend hours helping to open and scan ballots.

“I just really want to thank all the volunteers who worked the election and all the poll workers who stood outside the polling places and assisted the voters,” said Commissioner John Christy.

Commissioner John Moyer added, “I think everyone who came out to vote in person, mailed or dropped off a ballot should also be thanked.”


Sheriff’s Office Overtime Report for the period ending Oct. 24, was approved.

The deputies reported 20 hours overtime; security reported 74.50 hours overtime and clerks reported five hours overtime. Total overtime was 99.50 hours.

Monroe County Children and Youth Services executed two separate adoptions where the adopting families adopted not just one child but all the other siblings as well.

“It is very rare that the adopting family chooses to adopt all the siblings so they can all stay together, but having two families do this is wonderful,” said Commissioner Sharon Laverdure.

Moyer announced 52 new vendors were added to the county’s growing list of vendors. “All thanks to the Emergency Rental Assistance Program and the program isn’t over yet,” he said.