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West Penn gives student of the month awards

Eight West Penn Elementary School students were honored with Rockin’ Raider of the Month awards this week. From left, Dylan Petko, fifth grade; Zoe Gause, fourth grade; Gretchen Mellor, third grade; Mason Bailey, first grade; and Mollie Lehman, K-plus. Also receiving awards, not pictured, are Grayson Balliet and Leo Gurcsik. JUSTIN CARLUCCI/TIMES NEWS

Eight West Penn Elementary School students were honored with Rockin' Raider of the Month awards this week. From left, Dylan Petko, fifth grade; Zoe Gause, fourth grade; Gretchen Mellor, third grade; Mason Bailey, first grade; and Mollie Lehman, K-plus. Also receiving awards, not pictured, are Grayson Balliet and Leo Gurcsik. JUSTIN CARLUCCI/TIMES NEWS