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Bowmanstown tables fair school funding resolution

Bowmanstown is the latest municipality to be called upon to consider a resolution for Fair School Funding.

David Wargo, of Summit Hill, asked borough council on Tuesday to pass a resolution that would help fund area school districts.

Wargo said the Pennsylvania Constitution requires the Legislature to provide equitable and fair funding for all schools in the commonwealth to support the public education system.

He said Panther Valley School District has been underfunded by about $10.5 million, and all other school districts in the state are underfunded as well because the state doesn’t apply the fair funding formula fully as per state laws.

A Summit Hill borough councilman, Wargo told Bowmanstown council he’s certain that they’re “good fiscal stewards of your budgets,” much like Summit Hill and other municipalities.

“Most of our school districts are very close to having problems,” he said. “My concern is to stand up for the taxpayers in your community.”

However, Mayor Zach Snyder recommended to council that the resolution not be approved until it’s specifically crafted for Bowmanstown.

“I agree there is a problem, but I would encourage council to vote against this resolution,” Snyder said.

Council President William Ravert then suggested to council that it table the resolution for the time being, which was agreed upon.

Afterward, Wargo asked council to “think about what you believe in and stand up for our people.

Multiple municipalities in Carbon County and one in Schuylkill County have passed resolutions.