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3 injured in Friday afternoon crash

Emergency personnel were dispatched to a crash involving three injuries Friday afternoon in Mahoning Township.

The crash was reported around 3:30 p.m. in the construction site along Route 443 near the entrance to Aldi.

The crash involved an older converted school bus, a jeep and a pickup truck, which suffered severe front end damage. The crash appeared to be a rear end collision in the eastbound lanes.

The Mahoning Valley fire company responded to the scene. Mahoning and Lehighton fire police maintained traffic control, shutting down the roadway and rerouting the traffic. Mahoning Township police are investigating the incident.

Emergency crews are on the scene of this crash on Route 443 near Aldi. COPYRIGHT LARRY NEFF/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS
A converted bus is one of three vehicles in a construction zone crash Friday afternoon.