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Good job, fellas


This past August we had rains of biblical proportion. There were few that didn’t have problems that were caused by water. However there was one place that fared well during all the rain: The Mansion House Hill, Route 209. Despite all the water, there were no rocks and limited water on the roadway. You have to give credit where credit is due. Good job, PennDOT and the company that fixed what needed to be done. Again, I say, GOOD JOB, FELLAS!

Also, another pat on the back to the Bozo or Bozos who pulled off a great April Fool. I’m talking about the Chick-fil-A coming soon sign on the road to Walmart. Good job, fellas. You know who you are! Joe Boyle would’ve been proud of you!

A Native Chunker,

Pete Bott

E. Mauch Chunk