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Administration’s foreign policy a global travesty

One of the patriotic organizations borne out of honor, love and respect for this nation is the Blue to Gold Star Mothers, whose members help support veterans and their families.

A mother with a blue star means she has a child in combat. A mother with a gold star is one who has lost a child in combat or to suicide after their combat.

In military tradition, when a man or woman enters the armed forces for this nation, pledging to defend America with their life, a blue star banner may be displayed by their family.

Each color on the banner carries special significance.

The red border of the banner represents the blood shed by past warriors in defending our nation.

The field of white symbolizes the purity of spirit - the price of peace that only a warrior understands.

The blue star signifies loyalty, honor and duty entrusted in our defenders.

In his brief analysis of this administration’s gross ineptness that led to a string of failures in Afghanistan over the last month, Rep. Mike Waltz said that every time we don’t think the situation can get any worse, it does.

His comment came on the heels of last week’s revelation that the four top members of the Taliban’s new interim government in Afghanistan are former Guantánamo Bay prisoners who were freed by the Obama administration in a prisoner exchange for Army deserter Bowe Bergdahl. The four men spent about 13 years in the military prison camp before they were freed in a trade for the admitted deserter, who was captured by insurgents after wandering off his post in 2009.

Waltz said the fact that the four new officials traded by Obama to free Bergdahl in 2014 are now the top commanders in Afghanistan’s new Taliban government grates every veteran and the family survivors of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. He explained that in allowing the Taliban to pick its most wanted persons - its “top draft picks out of Guantánamo” - and to now see them in charge of what has quickly become a terrorist superstate is a slap in the face of all Americans. In addition, to have those leaders inducted on the day of the 20th anniversary of 9/11 is outrageous and unforgivable.

Waltz has the credibility to make such a military judgment. He had a 24-year military career in the army, was awarded four Bronze Stars - two with valor - and became the first Green Beret to be elected to Congress from Florida.

China and the Soviet Union are naturally reveling in America’s shame after the administration’s disgraceful handling of the exit from Afghanistan.

And who must President Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s state department rely on to deal with in evacuating American citizens and allies still stranded in the new terrorist superstate?

Afghanistan’s new interior minister is none other than Sirajuddin Haqqani, the deputy leader of the Taliban and leader of the insurgent Haqqani network in Afghanistan. He’s the nephew of Khalil al-Rahman Haqqani, the man now charged with overseeing security in the Afghan capital.

Haqqani was designated a global terrorist in February 2011, with the U.S. offering a $5 million reward for information leading to his capture. He’s also included on the United Nations’ terrorist list.

Another shameful video surfaced last week showing Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four other high-profile detainees appearing at their pretrial hearing at the U.S. detention center in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. They are charged with crimes including terrorism, hijacking and 2,976 counts of murder for their alleged roles planning and providing logistical support to the Sept. 11 plot. It was their first appearance in 500 days due to delays brought on by the coronavirus pandemic.

What disgusted every veteran of the 20-year war in Afghanistan as well as the families of victims of the 9/11 attacks was the video showing the five detainees smiling and in an obvious upbeat mood in the courtroom. Mohammed, accused mastermind behind the 9/11/01 terror attacks, even waved to reporters.

Sean Knudsen, a retired U.S. Army Veteran who worked at ground zero during the 9/11 attack and then served in Iraq from 2004-2005, said it was very hard to sit back and watch how the Biden administration mishandled the withdrawal from Afghanistan.

His reaction echoed the feelings of every freedom-loving conservative and mirrored the sentiments of those who served, fought, led and died in the Middle East. He said that when we put our sons and daughters at harms risk in countries like Afghanistan, on the other side of the world, they need to have our support.

The catastrophe in Afghanistan that we’re seeing right now, he added, is on the backs of the suits in Washington, not on the boots on the ground - our fighting men in uniform.

By Jim Zbick | tneditor@tnonline.com

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