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9/11 Anniversary

On this special Patriot Day remember the victims who died and pray that God will bless the ones we love who died in the towers high above or on the airplanes high in flight in that September sky so bright.

As strangers stopped to lend a hand and gave their life for fellow man New York’s bravest and the best ran into fire and faced the test and heroes aboard one fateful flight made a plan to stand up and fight

A city in chaos - covered with dust many turned to God - in whom they trust a cross of steel beams was found in the rubble - on the ground called ground zero - where we weep a sign from God for us to keep.

Twenty years later - here we stand on this day - across this land we gather to read the names on the wall with moments of silence to honor them all then join together as we say May God bless the U.S.A.!

Nancy Green
