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Schuylkill commissioners highlight suicide prevention

Schuylkill County Commissioners Wednesday proclaimed September as National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month and National Recovery Month.

Grace Coffin, chair of the Suicide Prevention Task Force of Schuylkill County, and Diane Rowland, Prevention Program Specialist with Schuylkill County Drug and Alcohol, spoke to the commissioners about the topics.

Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States. In Schuylkill County, it is the fourth highest in the state, the proclamation reads.

The task force and other organizations are on “the front lines of a battle that many still refuse to discuss in public, as suicide and mental illness remain too taboo a topic to speak on; and Whereas, Schuylkill County is no different than any other community in the country, but chooses to publicly state and place our full support behind every member of our community; and Whereas, the Schuylkill County Commissioners and the Suicide Prevention Task Force encourage all residents to take the time to inquire as to the well-being of their family, friends and neighbors over the next few weeks. A simple phone call, message, handshake, or a hug can go a long way towards helping someone realize that suicide is not the answer,” the proclamation reads.

The proclamation for National Recovery Month recognizes the effectiveness of mental health and substance use disorder prevention, and the importance of overcoming those issues.

The theme of the observance is “Recovery is for everyone: Every person. Every family, every community.”

It encourages “relatives and friends of people with mental and substance use disorders to implement preventive measures; recognize the signs of a problem, and guide those in need to appropriate treatment and recovery support services.”