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Coaldale needs plan for complex roof leaks

Coaldale Borough Council this week discussed leaks in the roof of the Coaldale Complex, the former Coaldale High School building.

The roof, which developed new leaks, has been patched for now, but they are just temporary measures.

“We need to do something about the roof,” Councilwoman Claire Remington said.

“So, at next month’s meeting we may have to start to advertise for a replacement of the roof. We have to do something, we can’t sit on it. We’ll be looking at grants, loans, fundraisers, whatever we need to do.”

Councilman Frank Hutta advised that the size of the roof is 180 by 1,000 square feet.

Remington announced that new street projects are expected to begin the end of August.

They will be West High Street, curb to curb, and the driving lanes of Sixth Street, to be done in time for Rock the Block (scheduled for Sept. 10 to 12).

Then the base of Moser Avenue is expected to be done in September.

In other business:

• Council members want to remind residents that animals of a barn yard nature are not permitted in the borough. Remington said that she recently encountered a borough resident with a calf, and has had others with chickens, goats and pigs. Such animals are not allowed within the borough limits.

• Portnoff Law Associates collected $1,329.63 in delinquent sanitation fees, $29.40 in delinquent sewer transmission fees, and $2,356.79 in delinquent taxes.

• Two Repository Sales for properties within the borough were approved. A bid was accepted for $1,250 for 424 W. Water St., and a bid of $1,353 for a property at 167 W. Moser Ave., $1,353 by JPM Holdings LLC.

• Council approved the renewal of the State Workers’ Insurance Fund, a workers’ compensation program for the Coaldale Volunteer Fire Company in the amount of $9,718, which is up $43 from last year.

• Approved the premium payment for the Pennsylvania Intergovernmental Risk Management Association insurance plan, which is $1,907 less than last year.

• Ratified the hiring of a seasonal part-time worker, Chris Weirich, to help with some of the street repairs.

• Borough Solicitor Attorney Robert Yurchak, advised council that a hearing would be held in front of Schuylkill County Judge Jacqueline Russell regarding objections to repository sales to Advanced Consulting LLC, who had purchased repository properties in the past.

At the June meeting, council had voted to deny sales to Advanced Consulting after photos were shown, taken June 4, 2021, of six properties that they had purchased between October 2019 and November 2020 that showed broken fixtures, porches falling down, high weeds and garbage.

Under the Blight Law, sales can be denied, and Yurchak recommended denying all the Advanced Consulting LLC bids. The borough has had numerous complaints about their properties.