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Are you ready?

You know it’s coming. The dreadful COVID lockdown. It’s just a matter of time. The whip will crack and we will obey. Or will we, this time around?

Meanwhile, tens of thousands of COVID positive illegals are flooding our southern border every month. They are secretly being flown by our military into cities and put onto buses, then distributed into our community parks in the middle of the night for the towns to absorb.

Imagine being an American citizen living along the southern border, screaming at your children to get in the house, helicopters flying above, patrolling your own property line a dozen times a day with automatic weapons because of the criminal element embedded in the illegal immigrant invasion of our country. Fentanyl coming in, a 700% increase. This is all happening.

Remember in 2015, when Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told us not to have any children because of global warming? Now illegal children flood our border. Why are these children welcomed while we are being discouraged from having children?

2.5 million Illegal immigrants will enter our country this year, reaping every conceivable benefit available to mankind, without having to search for work. It’s a crying shame that the lives of our children and grandchildren have been stolen from them, their futures being mortgaged by the debt incurred from the illegals. Year after year, millions and millions of illegals sucking us dry.

President Joe Biden, your main job is to protect us and keep us safe. You are doing neither with your open border policy. We have no idea who is coming into our country. Do you think that open borders, not prosecuting criminals, defunding the police and the divisive rhetoric are just a coincidence? The Marxists running our country despise everything we stand for. To them, our great nation is no better than any other Third World country and they are doing their very best to get us there. Mr. President, you sold us out and the American people will remember this in the midterms. Wake up, everyone, or else we will soon have a country we no longer recognize.

Wanda Dietz

Franklin Township