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Sacred Heart news

Sacred Heart Parish, Lafayette Avenue, Palmerton will celebrate our Saturday Vigil Mass on July 17 at 5 p.m. and Sunday Liturgy at 9:30 a.m. July 18. Please note: Most COVID-19 restrictions in the diocese have been lifted except for sharing the cup during the Eucharist and offering the sign of peace.

The mandate to attend Sunday worship will be discussed by the Pennsylvania bishops and all will be notified when Mass attendance is “required” of the faithful.

This week we celebrate the Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Jesus, our good shepherd, of the righteous shoot of David, nourishes and strengthens us as He teaches us about the Kingdom of God.

At all weekend Masses, a member of the safety, security and maintenance committee will present information to parishioners that they may need to know in case of an emergency.

A second offering this weekend will be taken up to support the church in Central and Eastern Europe. Many of our current parishioners have their family roots in that part of the world.

St. John Neumann’s Art Camp is providing wonderful experiences for our budding young artists.

It is amazing how talented these youngsters are. Special thanks to Paula Zelienka for being our art instructor. Also, applications for registration for St. John Neumann Regional School year 2021-22 are being accepted. Note: No diocesan school has or will introduce the controversial critical race theory into our curriculum. Some of the components for this theory have underlying assumptions that are not in harmony with Catholic teaching.

The Men of Sacred Heart will meet on July 24 from 9 to 11 a.m. in the parish center. All men 18 and older are invited to join them.

Raffle returns for the “Christmas In July” raffle are to be returned by July 23. Additional tickets are still available at the rectory. First prize is $1,000.

Father Bill continues to ask for prayers, through the intercession of Father Walter Ciszek whose cause for canonization to Sainthood is under study, that God will bless us with a cure for COVID-19 and restore the physical, spiritual, emotional and financial health to our global family.