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What’s going on?

What’s going on now? For years the United States complained that people weren’t voting like they should. Now states are passing new laws to make it harder to vote.

Question to those in power. How did you get in? If you were voted in, why are you doing this?

This is just another way to show how stupid it can get when one person, who did nothing for this country except make us look bad to the world, lost.

This shows our country going backward instead of forward. Another way to make us look bad to the world. Two stupid parties that can’t work together. You should all be replaced with someone who puts the country not the party first. All this should go to the highest court in the land, where it should be thrown out.

For God’s sake, when will you people grow up? To vote is your right! Do it, no matter what party.

I remain, P.O.’d,

Robert (Ski) Siesputowski

Summit Hill