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Public allowed at commissioner meetings

The public is allowed to attend Schuylkill County commissioners meetings.

County Administrator Gary Bender asked at Wednesday’s meeting if commissioners wanted to make a decision.

No vote was taken, but the consensus was for approval.

“The rest of the courthouse is open. It’s time they come back to the meetings,” Commissioner Gary Hess said.

He said keeping Zoom for those who can’t attend is advisable.

Commissioners’ Chairman Barron “Boots” Hetherington agreed. as did Commissioner George Halcovage Jr.

“This is a public meeting. We are accountable to the public. We are here to do the business of the county,” Halcovage said.

The public has not been permitted to attend the meetings since close to the start of the pandemic. Participation has been by Zoom, but listening only as commissioners adopted a policy limiting comment. Approved in October, the motion set guidelines for public participation, and among other things, requires those attending virtually to submit their comments to the county clerk in writing within a specified time frame.

Speakers are limited to three minutes in person. Hess voted against the measure in October. At times, decorum was lacking when residents would call in.

Hess said is he is an advocate for more public involvement. Residents can come to the meetings or call with suggestions and ideas.

“Things are finally opening up. We need to get back to regular business,” he said.

Hess said he did not know if only a certain number of residents would be permitted to attend the meeting due to social distancing.