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Eldred recognizes Eagle Scout for project

The Eldred Township supervisors presented a certificate to Jonathon Smith on Wednesday evening for becoming an Eagle Scout and thanking him for work he did for the township.

“We wish you well on your future endeavors, as you go into the world with the respect and gratitude of your entire community, the organization and that of your family,” said Gary Hoffman, chairman of the supervisors. “Congratulations on a job well done.”

The project consisted of three display boards for the Garden of Giving in Saylorsburg. The garden provides fresh produce to food banks in Monroe County.

Smith said some of the space on the boards will be used for community information. He plans to add landscaping around the base of the boards.

“I wanted something I could go back to and look at 20 years from now and say that ‘I did that’,” Smith said.

Smith is a recent graduate of Pleasant Valley High School. He plans to continue working for Hafner and Son Inc., a concrete cutting and drilling company in Danielsville, and wants to start his own construction business.

He said the most difficult part of his Eagle Scout project was communication. There was a miscommunication with a vendor that was providing material for the project. He needed more than what the company thought he did and with less of a discount. He ended up paying for the material out of his own pocket, instead of with raised funds.

“I learned it’s best to get things in writing,” he said.

In other business, Jalene Keiser with the Eldred Township Historical Society reported that they plan to pursue a grant to do half the parking lot with macadam and half of it in concrete, and make it even with the building. The parking lot would also have spaces for handicap parking and a railing for people with disabilities.

Hoffman said the cost to do the work on the parking lot is strictly through the historical society and nothing is being paid for by the township.

The historical society also said they plan to apply for a grant to do work on the front porch and roof. They should know by November if they are awarded the grant.

They already have a Local Share Account grant to do work on the back of the building and one to dig out and clear the basement. Once that is done, they plan to pour concrete to create a floor. The basement work will cost $3,800.

Supervisor Joann Bush gave a report on the Eldred Township Community Center. She said it needs an update on the security system.

Hoffman said he is working on it and hopes to fund it through the American Rescue Plan. He said the upgrade would include the closed circuit television for the security system and possible a new telephone system connecting the center and the municipal building.

Bush added that the security company notified them that the system needs to be updated to 5G.

Hoffman said they will pursue the work after they get the funding.

Robert Boileau reported on the latest from the township’s Planning Commission. He said they have been talking with Dollar General recently.

Representatives from the store have asked for four waivers concerning plantings, buffer zones and parking lot islands for shade area. The planning commission is going to make a recommendation to the board that those waivers not be granted.

Talks also continue regarding parking for delivery trucks and their entrance.

Bush said she is concerned about the speed of traffic on that road. Boilleau said he reviewed the highway occupancy permit and although he’s not absolutely sure, he thinks PennDOT is going to require a turning lane on both sides of the road. He said Dollar General mentioned an appeal, so that is also still being worked out.

Lastly, Eldred Township is looking to hire two people to do flagging for road construction. They are in need of a full-time person and a part-time person.

The position pays $15 an hour and the person has to be 18 years old and older. The person also has to obtain a flagger certification, which can be done online. Anyone interested in applying should call the township office.

Eldred Township supervisors, from left to right, Gary Hoffman, Donna Mikol and Joann Bush are pictured with Eagle Scout Jonathon Smith following the presentation of a certificate to him for his accomplishment. KRISTINE PORTER/TIMES NEWS
Gary Hoffman, the chairman of the Eldred Township supervisors, reads a statement before presenting a certificate to Eagle Scout Jonathon for his accomplishment. KRISTINE PORTER/TIMES NEWS