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Coaldale speaker: 'repay' debt to veterans

A military veteran told those attending a Memorial Day weekend program in Coaldale how they can “repay the debt incurred by the sacrifice by a soldier killed in war.”

“I say that we most assuredly can repay that debt and we can do so by being the best Americans that we can be,” said Lt. Col. Judah Whitney.

Whitney, the senior army instructor for the JROTC at Panther Valley High School, was the main speaker during a Memorial Day weekend program on Sunday in the Coaldale complex. The event was held in the auditorium of the complex because of rain.

About 75 people attended the program including about 20 members of the JROTC. Several of the JROTC members participated in the program.

Whitney said, “You see, I believe our country suffers from a national malaise - it is a sickness brought on by our current political discourse. We are a nation divided into two camps and from most people that I’ve met - in both those camps - there is a passionate desire to argue but to do little else ... and that is where the opportunity lies.”

The speaker proposed that people be fit, be smart and be of help.

“Be fit - start small and walk a mile, then two and run a race next year,” he said. We have a national health crisis that predates the epidemic and it is because we don’t move enough.”

Regarding improving our intelligence, he urged that instead of watching TV or looking at smartphones, that we read.

Whitney challenged the listeners to “organize something that will benefit our community,” such as a trash cleanup or volunteering with an organization like Big Brother/Big Sister.

“Our divided nation must honor the sacrifices of our fallen and I can think of now better way than to be the best Americans we can be,” he said.

He pointed out the patriotism that existed in Coaldale in the past, stating, “During World War II, Coaldale suffered a higher rate of killed and wounded in action than any other town in the entire nation. I know that you and your families know what sacrifice is all about.”

Remarks were also made by Coaldale American Legion Post 170 Commander Nancy Stevens and VFW President Mike Vagota.

Stevens served as the master of ceremony.

The Gettysburg Address was read by Panther Valley High School student Skylin Simpson.

Logan’s Orders were read by JROTC member Zack Swolensky.

Another JROTC member, Demitria Hess, offered the poem “ In Flanders Field.”

Janet Kupec read the roll call of Coaldale’s 13 military veterans who passed away during the past year. As she read the names, Panther Valley student Jacob Boyle gave a drum roll.

Kelly Surotchak sang the national anthem. Her son Nicholas played taps on the bugle.

Chaplain Ed Girard game the invocation and benediction.

Lt. Col. Judah Witney speaks during Memorial Day weekend program in Coaldale Complex on Sunday. Whitney is the senior Army instructor at Panther Valley High School. RON GOWER/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS
Nicholas Surotchak plays Taps during Memorial Day weekend program on Sunday in Coaldale. RON GOWER/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS