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West Penn Township supervisors

West Penn Township supervisors approved the hiring of a full-time officer on Monday.

• A motion was approved to hire James Bonner as full-time township police officer at the rate of $24 per hour, with a six-month probation period, per policy.

• The board approved 13 cars to be removed from the impound lot at the bid of $6,825 to Hazleton Scrap.

• Police Chief Brian Johnson said if any residents have concerns with motorists speeding throughout the township to contact the police department.

• The board approved the lowest bid of $4,875 to pour a concrete (eight inches) pad for a 20-by-30-square-foot site for the dumpster of its future recycling program. There will be an update at the township’s next meeting in regard to when the initiative might begin.

- Justin Carlucci