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Fighter’s Heaven opened for 2021 season

DEER LAKE, Pa. - Fighter’s Heaven has officially opened for the 2021 season.

The former training camp of Muhammad Ali is welcoming visitors from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays from now until late October. In addition, anyone wishing to visit the camp on weekdays can call 570-968-2961 and request a preferred time to see the historic site. All visitors receive a free wrist band with the Fighter’s Heaven logo.

Tourists wishing to attend must abide by the state-mandated COVID-19 restrictions that have been set in place under Gov. Tom Wolf.

Fighter’s Heaven has been a go-to-tourist destination since its formal opening in 2018. The site features the iconic gym, where Ali trained for all his big fights starting in 1972. Ali purchased the 5-acre-plus mountainside property from former Pottsville businessman, the late Bernie Polack, who was a furrier in late 1971.

There are 15 buildings on the premises, which visitors can take a trip back in time when Ali was training for all his major fights. Inside the gym, photos of Ali are featured along with three videos. Tourists can meander and visit the kitchen where Ali and his sparring partners dined daily. There is the “Ali House” where the champ retreated to sleep, and another video and photos are on display there as well.

There is the former Mosque, where Ali prayed daily which has been renovated and restored back to its original intent and use. Tourists can climb the hillside and visit the “bunk houses” used at the time to house Ali’s sparring partners, including the “Easton Assassin” Larry Holmes who went on to win the heavyweight championship.

New for the 2021 season is the refurbished Chalet, featuring a video of the late champ discussing his opinions on race relations and other issues, which are still prominent in current day America, a half-century after the video was filmed.

The video is a stunning piece, aptly called What Would Muhammad Ali Do? The late champion is interviewed in 1971, as his popularity is soaring throughout the world, not just in America. Ali expresses his views about the trials and tribulations a Black person has had to endure growing up in the 1950s, especially in the Deep South, where Ali was born in Louisville, Kentucky.

In addition to his serious views on a variety of topics, Ali displays his universally-renowned sense of humor during his interview as well, touching on why white is prominently mentioned from The White House, to a White Santa Clause to White Angels. His frankness is down-to-earth, but heartwarming, too; and resonates with today’s issues in the country.

For more information, call the camp at 570-968-2961.