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Lower Towamensing plans to install yield signs near covered bridge

The Lower Towamensing Township supervisors plan to install yield signs on either side of the one-lane Little Gap Covered Bridge on Covered Bridge Road.

Supervisors originally mentioned installing stop signs, but township solicitor James Nanovic said they can’t put up stop signs, because the signs would be technically in the middle of the road and not at an intersection. Traffic studies are done before stop signs can be installed.

Nanovic said they could install yield signs.

Supervisors Jay Millikin and Connie Brown opted to do that. Brandon Gehringer, the road foreman, said he would get prices for the signs for the next meeting if he doesn’t find any in storage.

The bridge has been a source of problems for Carbon County Commissioners. It was damaged last month when a Penske box truck attempted to cross the bridge and hit the steel I-beam that was placed there to stop oversized vehicles from damaging the bridge.

In the past, a number of large vehicles damaged the historic bridge by continuing to drive after hitting a wooden height restriction bar, knocking the bar down and then going through the bridge, ripping off beams as they drove.

The bridge was closed from July through Nov. 10, 2014, so crews from Professional Construction Contractors Inc. of Bethlehem could replace the open-grid steel deck and sandblast and paint the bridge.

The cost of the project, $304,000, was covered by Act 13 bridge improvement funds and Act 44 funds.

In 2015, the 155-year-old covered bridge was strengthened by the installation of the steel height restriction I-beams.

Structural Metal Fabricators of Palmerton constructed the bars at a cost of $13,637.

Since then, the I-beam was damaged by oversized vehicles at least three times.