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New cell tower considered in Weatherly’s Eurana Park

Weatherly Borough residents have become used to poor cellphone service. That may change if ARX Wireless company chooses to erect at cell tower at Eurana Park in the near future.

At their meeting on March 29, Weatherly Borough council approved an agreement with ARX Wireless to test to see if a tower can be built on the north edge of Eurana Park’s paved parking lot. The tower would be built if the site checks out. When the tower is erected, a rental income would be generated for the borough.

As for regular business, there was a lengthy discussion about Packer Township supervisors’ proposal to pay a reduced amount for fire coverage for the next two years before finally meeting the borough’s requested price of $2,294.64 per month. The borough’s price is equal to the amount that each Weatherly household pays now, multiplied by the number of households in Packer.

Packer’s supervisors asked council to be allowed to pay $600 per month less in 2021, and $300 per month less in 2022. Council members were not in favor of any reduction, noting there is a new rescue pumper to be paid for, and pointing out that Packer supervisors did not help pay for the tanker when it was bought a few years ago.

The $2,294.64 per month has been calculated to include payments toward the new rescue pumper, so there would be no added equipment payments beyond this figure for the near future. Council voted unanimously that Packer Township should begin their $2,294.64 payments starting in April.

In other business

The new bucket truck for the electric department has arrived. It cost $185,000. It will go into service after the department completes some tree work. The 1997 bucket truck will be put up for sale.

Council approved the demolition of quad unit 1007A on North Street, which had become a hazard. Quotes will be sought. A lien for the demolition costs will be placed on the property.

Quotes will also be sought for the painting of Tank 2 of the water system.

Umbriac Trucking’s bid of $64,700 was lowest for demolishing the walls of the former Lehigh Valley Railroad Shops. Council was unanimous in awarding Umbriac the contract.

A resolution was needed to close out the $60,000 grant used for a study for the trail to be built connecting the borough with the Delaware & Lehigh Heritage trail in the Lehigh Gorge.

It was agreed to do some line painting of parking spaces along Carbon Street, starting from East Main to First Street.

April 15 will be Purple Up Day in Weatherly, in support of the military and their families. Council unanimously approved a proclamation. It is hoped that residents will display purple ribbons on their properties that day.

Council was also unanimous in approving the use of Eurana Park for a charity walk on May 15 to benefit the Praying Ninja Warrior Foundation. All funds raised from the walk will go to help children with terminal illnesses and their families.

Most of council attended in person, with only Jeffrey Miller calling in. No public attended the meeting.

In reports, Weatherly Police responded to 254 incidents in February; 22 traffic tickets and $1,075 in parking tickets were written. There were three criminal charges.

Bills of $470,428 were approved for the past month. Nearly half of that is the cost of purchased electricity. Over $70,000 was for the various borough insurances.

The next borough council meeting is scheduled for noon April 17.

The new bucket truck for the electric department has arrived. It cost $185,000. It will go into service after the department completes some tree work. SETH ISENBERG/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS