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Lenten reflection

As we come to a close in the Lenten season, we can consider again its message of repentance. Primarily, to look honestly inside ourselves; recognize our evident as well as hidden faults and commit, with the help of our Lord, to do better.

Our society is the antithesis of this self-examination. It is a whirlwind of accusation, judgment, exclusion and dismissal, the exact opposite of what we profess as Christians.

Recognize, the command is simple: Love God with your whole being and love your neighbor. Of course, our neighbor is everyone. We are all created by the same God, and God is pure Love and pure good. Each of his creation contains good, but each has the choice whether to live and grow in that love and good.

We, individually and in community, have to make a commitment to change this “cancel” dynamic of our culture. People can’t be “canceled.” We are all children of the creator and are commanded by God “Love one another.”

Rather than cancel or exclusion of another, we must first recognize each person as a gift of God and an image of Christ; second, to engage, respectfully, in dialogue with each other, listening as well as speaking. We can build bridges with each other instead of burning them. Society will not change overnight, but we can commit to this change each day of our lives and to witness to that commitment in our daily lives; in our homes, our families, our work and communities. This is how we can be the best person we can be and accomplish the common good.

God will walk with us in this daily journey if we accept him. He has assured us: “I am with you always” and “All things are possible with God” Consider the following as professed by Dorothy Day:

(a) To make the kind of society where it is easier to be good (Peter Maurin)

(b) Where there is no love, put love and you will find love” (St. John of the Cross)

(c) You love God as much as the one you love the least (The Rev. John Hugo)

The Risen Christ bless you and your families and our communities with peace and all good.

Dan Miscavige
