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Franklin Fire Co. bingo provides much-needed social interaction

As the restrictions from the COVID-19 pandemic continue to lessen, people are starting take part in activities outside the home.

The Franklin Township Volunteer Fire Company’s bingo games, which started up again a few weeks ago, appear to be drawing people looking for some social interaction, along with a chance to win some money.

Because of the pandemic, the games were on again and off again several times, according to Chris Lilly, president of the Fire Company’s Auxiliary. Each week they bring in anywhere from 50 to 80 people to play.

“It’s a chance to get out of the house, and to win some money,” said Linda Zacharias, a regular weekly player.

Indeed, for many of the players, it’s not just about the money, it’s a chance to interact with other people and just plain have fun. That was the recurring sentiment.

“It’s a good way to help support our local fire company and to have a good time,” Jacqueline Hellerman agreed. “After being home with the pandemic and with the winter weather, it’s wonderful to be able to get out and play.”

Lilly said the usual pandemic protocols are being observed.

“We use face masks when moving about the hall. The seating is set up to accommodate social distancing, plus the usual washing hands, hand sanitizer and no one has given them a hard time about it.”

Many organizations, such as Franklin Township Fire Company, are looking forward to more opportunities to serve the public while trying to bring in some much-needed funding.

Another fundraiser that is coming back is the takeout dinners, which will begin April 16. The dinner is 100% takeout, and will feature a choice of meatloaf or haddock, choice of mashed potato or filling, corn, applesauce, and bread and butter.

Call 610-377-0735 or 570-778-9229 to place your order and for costs. If you get the answering machine, don’t leave the order on the machine, but leave your contact information. Orders are due by April 14, and they can be picked up at the fire company from 3:30 to 6 p.m. April 16.

For more information, visit the Franklin Township Volunteer Fire Company website at www.franklintownshipfireco.com or visit them on Facebook.

Bingo players check their numbers at the Franklin Township Volunteer Fire Company. JIM LOGUE JR./SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS
Susan Anthony is the official bingo caller for Franklin Township Volunteer Fire Company.