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How COVID-19 affected us in the last year

Cases statewide: 961,456

Deaths statewide: 24,530 deaths

Cases throughout our region: Deaths throughout region: Vaccinations administered

Partial vaccinations administered 2,276,357

Full vaccinations administered 1,119,003

Total vaccinations administered - 3,395,360

By county:

Carbon - 3,706 partially covered, 7,171 fully covered

Lehigh - 33,911 partially covered, 45,316 fully covered

Luzerne - 25,020 partially, 41,384 fully

Monroe - 7,778 partially, 10,985 fully

Northampton - 30,403 partially, 37,534 fully

Schuylkill -11,689 partially, 15,077 fully

Unemployment locally:

Unemployment has risen over the past year. According to statistics of continued claims, here are the comparisons for the week ending March 14, 2020, and the week ending March 6, 2021:

Carbon: 851, 1,779

Lehigh: 3,606, 10,411

Monroe: 1,463, 3,665

Northampton: 2,626, 6,562

Schuylkill: 1,667, 3,747

Food pantry distribution

Pleasant Valley Ecumenical Network in 2020: In January, 956 people, February, 902; March, 953; April, 1,008; May, 847; June, 683; July, 667; August, 671; September, 576; October, 874; November, 1,025; December, 843, roughly the same as 2019.

“I think it averaged out that way because eventually there were more places people could go to get food. Things like the SNAP card and Farm-to-table programs,” said Director Colleen Walsh.