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Tamaqua news for Feb. 4, 2021

Calvary Lewistown

Pastor Ralph Saunders will officiate at the 10:25 a.m. Sunday worship service at Calvary Evangelical United Methodist Church. Sunday school classes are held at 9:15 a.m. and evening praise and sharing at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday prayer and praise at 7 p.m. on Feb. 10.

Sunday is “Souper Bowl” Sunday. Bring soup cans or cartons of soup mix for the morning worship service. It will be presented for Mission Outreach. Please, no out-of-date items. Call 570-668-9111 for more information.

Zion Lewistown

Pastor Jim Williams will officiate at the 10:30 a.m. service this Sunday at Zion Church, Lewistown Valley. The service is also available on the church’s Facebook page.

St. John Lutheran

St. John Lutheran church will hold morning worship at 9:15 a.m. on Sunday, Feb. 7. Doors open at 9 a.m. and everyone is required to wear a mask.

Confirmation class will follow the worship service. Church council on Feb. 8. Call 570-668-4570 for more information.

Zion Lutheran

The Zion Lutheran Church Culinary Team hoagie sale has been postponed.

Pickup will now be on Feb. 12 from noon-5 p.m.

Call 570-668-4451 for more information.

To submit news, contact Susan Eckhart at 570-668-1250 or seckhart@tnonline.com or the Times News at 800-443-0377 or tneditor@tnonline.com.