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2 Lehighton elementary teachers to retire

Two longtime Lehighton Area School District elementary teachers are calling it a career at the end of the 2020-21 school year.

Lehighton accepted the intent to retire Monday for Beth Cressley and Melanie Dillman, who have a combined 69 years of service with the district.

“I know they worked as teammates for many years in different buildings,” Superintendent Jonathan Cleaver said of Cressley and Dillman. “They have done a great job. We wish them well in their retirement. There has been a lot of collaboration and communication between the two of them over the years and they will be greatly missed.”

A former teacher and board member in the district, Gloria Bowman lauded the teamwork the duo showed throughout the years.

“They really worked in sync to better educate their students,” Bowman said. “Beth and Melanie were always there for the students and went out of their way to do those extra things that really make a difference.”

Dillman was hired on Feb. 6, 1985, while Cressley came on board just over two years later on Aug. 10, 1987.

Lehighton Director Nathan Foeller had a firsthand look at how the teachers impacted the lives of their students.

“One of my daughters was in their classroom for a year and they are a great example of the fine educators we have in this district and how much they care,” Foeller said.

Personnel changes

Lehighton’s board accepted two other resignations during its meeting Monday night.

Lisa Failla, Spanish teacher, will be leaving the district effective March 19. Failla was approved earlier this month to replace longtime Spanish teacher Jose Elvir at Palmerton Area High School.

Amielia Barhold, part-time paraprofessional, also had her resignation accepted on Monday.

Rachel Atwood, meanwhile is moving from a part-time paraprofessional to a full-time paraprofessional at a salary of $16,589.

The district hired four employees on Monday. They include Amanda Citro, high school secretary, at an annual salary of $27,705; Donald Steigerwalt, utility custodian, at an annual salary of $28,555; Tina Klotz, district secretary, at an annual salary of $26,418; and Melissa Hunsicker as a 10-month elementary secretary, at an annual salary of $17,527.