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Weis administering COVID vaccine

Weis Markets announced it is administering COVID-19 vaccinations in 55 of its in-store pharmacies throughout Pennsylvania.

Weis pharmacy staffs will prioritize individuals 65 and older for COVID-19 immunizations.

Weis pharmacies will also prioritize COVID-19 immunizations for people aged 16-64 with high-risk conditions including cancer, chronic kidney disease, smoking, COPD, heart conditions, Down syndrome, obesity and diabetes.

To receive the vaccine, customers must schedule an appointment with a Weis certified immunizer at: https://www.weismarkets.com/pharmacy-services. Appointment sign-ups are available one day before the immunization, and a face covering is required. To ensure the effectiveness of the vaccine, Weis pharmacies will schedule customers for a second immunization four weeks after their first shot.

“Our pharmacies have received a limited quantity of Moderna COVID-19 vaccine and will begin immunizing on Thursday. Per Pennsylvania Health Department guidelines, we are prioritizing individuals 65 years or older and those with high-risk conditions for immunization appointments,” said Rick Seipp, Weis Markets’ Vice President of Pharmacy. “Over time, we hope to expand to other priority categories as vaccine becomes more available and in coordination with the Commonwealth’s guidelines. We’re ready to help.”

Vaccines are available at the following locations:

• Route 940, Mount Pocono

• 695 North Courtland Street, East Stroudsburg

• 1070 North Ninth Street, Stroudsburg

• 3011 William Penn Highway, Easton

• 5020 Route 873, Schnecksville