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Weatherly to sell old train station

With the Weatherly Borough office now moved out of its former space, Weatherly’s old train station, discussion about what to do with the historic building has been underway.

Potential buyers have come forward during these past months. borough council on Monday voted to advertise the building for sale to the highest bidder, with the stipulation that the buyer maintain its architectural integrity. Bids will be opened Feb. 15 at the next council meeting.

Council also agreed to offer to sell chairs and file cabinets not needed in the new borough building. Also to be put up for sale is an F-150 pickup, now retired from use by the police department.

With state liquid fuels reimbursement down about $6,000 due to reduced driving in Pennsylvania in 2020, the borough pared its paving plans. It was agreed to get bids to pave Jefferson Street, Washington Street and four alleys, a bit less than a half mile in total.

A proposal to “prune and thin” the forest lands owned by the borough was tabled in order to wait for an estimate.

Compensation for the tax collector includes a 5% raise to go into effect after the next election. The borough will also pay half of the software fees and support, shared with the school district.

During the public forum, Michele Gerhard posted a question about an idea that would save some of the Trainworks’ stone walls that still stand.

Mayor P.J. Hadzick responded that there was no actual offer made. Someone had mentioned looking for grant money, but there was no follow-up.

The January meeting was a combination of a regular in-person session, socially distanced, and phoned-in, with half of council via phone and three others in person.