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Why isn’t something being done?

Why isn’t anyone in the government doing anything about this virus?

Why is my government still talking about an election that’s past?

Why are we letting Americans die instead of getting this virus under control?

Elected officials who don’t work to keep Americans safe shouldn’t be in office!

The death toll is going up and those in office keep quiet. Why?

Time to enforce and make laws to keep us safe! Wake up, Americans! Why should we die?

Elected officials aren’t helping. Masks, washing our hands, distance should be enforced.

You’re elected to protect Americans no matter what party you’re in. If you can’t do the job, get out. Let someone who can do it.

Or you should be arrested for dereliction of duty, causing either manslaughter or homicide.

The hell with any party, do your job, protect the people. I know a vaccine is on its way, but there are things that can be done until it gets here.

I remain,

Robert (Ski) Siesputowski

Summit Hill