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A political party afraid to govern

Eighteen Republican attorneys general are willing to join Donald Trump in an attempted coup. We see now just what the Republican Party represents. It harbors liars, charlatans and grifters. Of course I would never say that every member of the party is corrupt. Their refusal, however, to openly condemn corruption, when it rears its ugly head, means that they are complicit.

Republicans are willing to abandon our government to the likes of Bannon, Gorka and Miller, allowing them to not only destroy our sacred democracy but to eliminate decency and integrity as well. Eighteen states! That’s over a third of the country. Members of the house smile and support Trump’s tyranny. One hundred of them have now signed onto this ridiculous lawsuit to nullify other states election results. The senate sits quietly hoping that if they close their eyes it will all go away. Their silence emboldens and encourages Trump to persist in trying to overturn an election that was, apparently, as fraud free as we could hope for.

And, by the way, why does everyone assume that any election fraud that may exist could only be committed by Democrats? I don’t know about you but I don’t like living in a country where the politicians are afraid of the man in the White House. I don’t like living in a country where the president threatens states to do his bidding or else and they willingly capitulate. I want to live in a country where the citizens decide who will be their president and don’t have to fight to keep it so. When Trump was elected president many people were unhappy but they didn’t resort to intimidation and threats. They marched. We did our part and voted Trump out of office. Now, Republicans must do their part and actually govern. They must stop trying to make something that did not happen become a reality. Please work for the good of the country and not just for the win.

Linda Maguire

Jim Thorpe