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Salvation Army reorganizes in Tamaqua

The Salvation Army Pennsylvania and Delaware Division has announced it is transitioning its Tamaqua Corps to a Salvation Army Service Center in early 2021.

During this change, the Salvation Army assures the community that social services will remain available to those in need in the Tamaqua community. Emergency food assistance will continue without interruption from the current location at 105 W. Broad St. in Tamaqua.

Present in nearly every ZIP code in America, The Salvation Army is the nation’s largest provider of social services. Its Service Center programs operate in suburban and rural communities and are designed to provide comprehensive emergency assistance for individuals and families in its community.

“After careful consideration, transitioning the Corps to a Service Center will allow us to continue serving this community,” said Lt. Col. Larry Ashcraft, Divisional Commander, the Salvation Army Pennsylvania and Delaware Division. “Because of the city’s changing needs, we recognized before the pandemic that transitioning the Tamaqua Corps to a Service Center provides a significant cost savings that will allow us to redirect critical funds to much-needed social services. The Salvation Army has been a part of this community since 1886 and will continue to serve those in need for many years to come.”

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Salvation Army Eastern Pennsylvania and Delaware Division has provided over 13 million meals and given emotional and spiritual care to nearly 30,000 people in need.

Recognizing the needs are greater than ever, the Salvation Army launched its Rescue Christmas and annual Red Kettle holiday fundraising campaigns in September. The Salvation Army anticipates that it could see an increase of up to 155% more in emergency assistance requests this year as the number of struggling neighbors continues to grow.

The Corps will continue to provide feeding and holiday assistance throughout 2020 before it transitions services to the organization’s successful Service Center model. Funds raised from this year’s Red Kettle campaign will remain in the community and continue to benefit Tamaqua area residents who are served by the Salvation Army.

“For years, our dedicated Salvation Army volunteers and community partners have provided a solid foundation that has ensured our struggling Tamaqua neighbors won’t go hungry or cold when they are facing financial hardships,” Ashcraft said. “Thanks to the community’s continued support, we’re not stopping programming; we’re just increasing efficiencies by reorganizing.”

The Salvation Army Tamaqua Corps offers social services - including assistance for food, rent, mortgage and utility assistance. The facility also provides seasonal services, such as holiday assistance and youth/senior camps. It is also known for its Sunday worship and fellowship services, and food pantry.

While spiritual services will no longer be provided on Sunday mornings, be assured the emotional and spiritual care will continue under the Service Center model. Congregants can attend Sunday services at the Salvation Army’s Pottsville location, 400 Sanderson St.; the Hazleton location, 356 W. Broad St.; continue sharing the gospel via Facebook page: SAConnects from the safety of their homes; or choose another place of worship.

In Schuylkill County, Service Extension offers assistance to residents in 44 ZIP codes with active units of dedicated volunteers in Schuylkill Haven, Ashland and Orwigsburg.

After more than 134 years of serving the commonwealth’s neighbors, the Tamaqua Corps’ transition to a Service Center begins the first of the new year and coincides with the planned retirement of Majors Gayle and Captain John Luby, who have run the Corps for just over a year.

Residents who need support or want to support the Salvation Army’s Rescue Christmas efforts should visit http://salarmy.us/tamaquaredkettle.