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Rush Township office closed to visitors

Rush Township’s offices are closed to in-person visitors until further notice.

The township recently posted a sign restricting visitors to bill payments only. Residents must use the intercom system and put money inside a dropbox at the entrance to the township building.

“The whole area’s been hit with a number of cases,” said Robert Leibensperger, vice president of the Rush Township Supervisors. “We’re not taking chances.”

The supervisors would not say if there were any positive tests, and cited medical privacy laws. However Supervisors’ President Shawn Albert said that the township recently had a ‘scare’ in the police department and road crew.

Residents may enter the building under one exception, for the required 20-day inspection period for the 2021 budget. They can only enter one at a time to inspect the budget, with masks required, Leibensperger said.

The supervisors voted to advertise the budget during Thursday’s meeting. Taxes remain at the same level as 2020. Supervisor Jeanine Montroni was absent.

Police Chief Kenneth Zipovsky reported that the township was approved for a grant to purchase a backpack disinfectant sprayer and disinfectant mister. The grant funds, totaling $4,779, were distributed through the Schuylkill County Office of Emergency Management.

Restrictions were also in effect during the meeting.

While no one attended, the supervisors said they were limiting attendance to 10 people, including township officials.

The supervisors said the meeting restrictions were in response to the Pennsylvania Department of Health’s guidelines for gatherings during the coronavirus pandemic.

In October the Department of Health said that indoor events taking place in venues with a maximum occupancy of 2,000 people were limited to 20 percent capacity.

The supervisors did not enforce or follow the Department of Health’s mandate requiring masks during any gathering where nonrelated people are in attendance.

The supervisors said they could not specify when they would drop restrictions on visitors to the township building.