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Lehighton officers participate in No Shave November

At least for this month, officers of the Lehighton Police Department have decided to store their grooming etiquette kits out of reach.

But their intentions are noble, as the department has agreed to participate in No Shave November to help raise money after this year’s Snowflake 5K was canceled due to coronavirus.

As a result, the department has agreed to donate to Dylan and Gavin’s Rainbow, according to borough police Detective Matt Arner, who said the department was looking for a cancer charity.

“We wanted to do it this year,” Arner said. “Because of COVID, they weren’t able to do the 5K.”

Arner said the department put the message out on Facebook, letting the public know that it, too, can participate.

He said those who wish to participate may visit www.dylanandgavinsrainbow.com to make a donation.

Arner said at the end of the month they should send their No Shave November photos to police@lehightonborough.com.

In turn, he said they will include select pictures to add to a video at the end.

For those who can’t grow a beard, Arner said they can wear a blue ribbon or blue nails.

“The Snowflake run was a big fundraiser,” he said. “We couldn’t think of a better charity.”

Officer Robert DeFuso said he’s glad to participate in the program.

“I’m happy to be a part of it and supporting our community,” DeFuso said.

The Snowflake 5K was lovingly inspired by the remembrance of two brothers, Gavin and Dylan Krum, who lost their lives after fast and fierce battles with childhood cancer and its treatments.

In memory of their sons, Dave and Lora Krum created Dylan and Gavin’s Rainbow, which provides support to families with children suffering from chronic conditions.

Dylan and Gavin’s Rainbow is a nonprofit organization that reaches out to families who are experiencing a serious condition of a child, and also to families who have experienced child loss.

This is because during the very difficult days when the Krums’ boys were sick and hospitalized, they were overwhelmed with the generosity and love that surrounded them.

For more information, email dylanandgavinsrainbow@gmail.com, or call 610-377-6188.

Lehighton police officer Robert DeFuso and Detective Matt Arner have grown beards as part of No Shave November to donate to Dylan and Gavin's Rainbow. TERRY AHNER/TIMES NEWS