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Schuylkill reports employee with COVID-19

Schuylkill County Courthouse was notified Tuesday that an employee has tested positive for COVID-19.

Contact tracing has been completed. At this time, there are two employees

who were exposed and are required to quarantine.

Citing HIPPA guidelines, no other information was released.

On Tuesday, Schuylkill County overall reported 2,589 cases, an increase of 83 cases. Seven additional deaths have been reported for a total of 123.

Numerous county employees have tested positive including those in the sheriff’s office. The county announced last month steps to combat the pandemic at the courthouse and ancillary buildings. President Judge William E. Baldwin also issued an order regarding requiring employees, county and judicial officials to be screened initially upon entering the courthouse. Actions by the county include contract tracing, consistent cleaning and disinfecting of common areas of the courthouse facilities, work spaces and others.

Employees have been reminded:

• Do not come to work if you are sick or if you have any signs or symptoms of illness including fever, cough, or

shortness of breath.

• The safest way to avoid contracting COVID-19 is to assume that every person in your surroundings in a carrier.

• Social distancing should be practiced in combination with other everyday preventive actions to

reduce the spread of COVID-19, including wearing masks, avoiding touching your face with

unwashed hands, and frequently washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

• ? Routinely clean and disinfect your workspace, specifically, your phone, keyboard, mouse, filing

cabinets, and items you touch regularly.