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Democrats and socialism

So you just can’t vote for a Democrat in November, because of that socialism thing? All you hear is how Democrats are turning to socialism, and Americans just won’t stand for our country being taken over by the Commies. But where are you hearing it? My bet is it’s from Fox News. And Trump.

I’m in my 70s, and I’ve been hearing the drumbeat of fear about creeping communism all my life. Which is odd, because communism failed decades ago. Our country is firmly capitalistic; our businesses are all privately owned and run. And with all the superwealthy billionaires, can anyone really picture them giving up their power? A few very vocal Democrats talk about socialism, notably Bernie Sanders. And even he has no interest in having government own our businesses. Which is exactly what socialism means.

Fear mongering is a potent political tool, used so often by Republicans (they always must have a boogeyman to frighten people back to the fold), that I wonder how people keep falling for that old scare tactic. AOC talks about blending some socialism with capitalism so that working people can get a share of the pie. Hardly a threat to our way of life. In fact, YOU may be a socialist, if you went to a public school, or drive on public roads, or use a publicly funded police force. All are funded by the many to serve those who need the services.

Fearing that Joe Biden will turn our country socialistic is laughable, given that he is disliked by so many on the far left for being a centrist. Yes, he thinks climate change is a threat; and it is. Even our military have been quietly planning for the coming changes. Being prepared is wise. Yes, he believes in equality for all our people; isn’t that the American way?

With 100 Senators, and 435 Representatives in the U.S. House, there are only about three who talk at all about socialism. The Democratic Party has no intention of “sneaking in” a new economic system. Don’t believe the hype and lies. Republicans are trying to play you. Don’t let them.

Linda Zak

Ross Township Democratic Committeewoman
