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Tamaqua council looks for feedback on pool project

The Tamaqua community will have a chance to be heard in regard to its pool.

A referendum will be on the upcoming ballot, where the public can vote if it would support the borrowing of up to $2.5 million for either new upgrades to the current pool or a full replacement at Bungalow Park.

“We would certainly need to match any funder, and we’re talking huge amounts of money,” said Mary Linkevich, Tamaqua councilwoman. “Why have these conversations if the community wouldn’t support it? That’s why we’re putting it on the ballot.”

Linkevich said the Tamaqua borough wrote a grant to the state Department of Conservation and Natural Resources to do a pool feasibility study. The study was a prerequisite to apply for a larger grant.

“The feasibility study came back showing, and I’ve see this personally, that the cement is no longer holding up on the sides of the pool,” Linkevich said. “It has to be patched year after year. Eventually, that will no longer sustain the pool. Instead of renovation, the feasibility study recommends investing money into creating a new pool, and incorporating modern designs.”

A new pool would cost $3.5 million, which would include all of the bells and whistles.

“A pool is an expensive feature to have, but it’s important to many people in the community. It’s fun and people are proud of our pool, as they should be. It’s a tradition for many people; it certainly is for myself. I grew up at that pool.”

The borough hopes to gauge the community support level after election week.

“That said, council will do anything in its power to find a way to repair the pool, if it was possible. We are open to all options. But to plan in advance, what that decision is, either one will be incredibly expensive. … It’s another reason to go out and vote. Voting isn’t just about the president of the United States. It’s also about what’s important to you in your local community.”