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Palmerton news for Sept. 30, 2020

Holy Trinity Cookies

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 502 Lafayette Ave., Palmerton, is taking orders for their famous molasses tongue cookies. These are the same ones that are sold at the community festival. The last day to order is Oct. 2. Call Lynn at the church office at 610-826-2524, Sue Arner at 484-552-8899 or Teri Delich at 610-392-1865 to order. A half dozen is $6 and a dozen is $10. Pick up at the church Oct. 5 from 3-5 p.m.

Collect cans

The Aquashicola Volunteer Fire Company, Little Gap Road has a trailer at the company grounds to collect aluminum cans and crushed cans. All support is appreciated.

Jerusalem United Church of Christ in Trachsville is also collecting cans. They have a shed in their church grove. There are two deposit slots: one for crushed cans and one for uncrushed. Donations are appreciated.

Class of 1970

The Palmerton Area High School Class of 1970 has again been forced to change their reunion date because of COVID-19. The Nov. 7 date has been changed to April 24, 2021. Class members should be receiving an updated letter soon. The location and time remains the same. You may call Joanne King at 610-377-5326 for information. Pass this information along to any classmates you may know.

Jerusalem UCC

Worship services at Jerusalem United Church of Christ, Trachsville, will be held in the church grove on Sunday at 10:30 a.m. This week Holy Communion will be observed. You are asked to bring your own elements.

Please bring a lawn chair and masks are required. Restrooms will be available. You can remain in your car and listen to the service on 95.5 FM. In case of inclement weather the service will be held in the sanctuary with limited seating. You can remain in your car in the parking lot for this service as well.

Curbside breakfast

Parryville Volunteer Fire Co. #2, Main Street in Parryville, will host a curbside breakfast on Sunday from 8-11:30 a.m. There is a limited menu. Takeout is preferred but limited seating is available for those requesting dine in. Phone ahead only at 610-852-2350 or 484-347-3928. Large and small platters are available.

Faith Alive Church

Faith Alive Church, 678 Pine St., Palmerton (Bowmanstown) is holding one combined service each Sunday at 10:30 a.m. There are four options of worshipping: Worship in the sanctuary, must wear a mask, have temperature check, and social distancing required; worship in Leah’s Room with same rules as sanctuary; you may worship in the parking lot and tune to 104.3; or you may join on Facebook live. Services are led by Pastor Rob Timlin Sr.

“Micah’s Backpack” will resume the first week of October. This program helps feed Palmerton area students with a need. The list of food items being collected this month can be found on the church website. Any donations of food or money are very much appreciated.

Remember to collect your aluminum tabs from cans to help the kids of Shriner’s Hospitals. Please save the tabs and drop them off at the church.

Check out the latest updates and upcoming events at Faith Alive on the website https://www.faithalivechurch.net.

Trick or treat

Trick or treat night will be held in the Palmerton Borough on Oct. 31 from 5-7 p.m.

Blood drive

Raising the House will be hosting a blood drive at the Palmerton Borough Park, 300 Delaware Ave., on Oct. 17 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Cemetery Cleanup Day

Jerusalem Evangelical Church, Trachsville, will have Cemetery Cleanup on Oct. 5 at 5 p.m. Anyone who would like to help is welcome. This will include the cemeteries on both sides of the road. If anyone has anything at a grave they do not want disposed of, please be sure to remove it by this date.

Kickstands up for Kyle

A motorcycle benefit ride for Kyle Hagenbuch will be held on Sunday at the Riverwalck Saloon in Parryville. Registration begins at 10:30 a.m. and kickstands up at 12:30 p.m. All proceeds go to a gravestone for Kyle and a trust fund for his daughter Aubrey.

Contact Lenora Robertson at 610-349-2436, lj123@ptd.net or 664 Delaware Ave., Palmerton, PA, 18071. Contact the Times News at 800-443-0377 or tneditor@tnonline.com.