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Levine to college students: ‘We need your help’ in COVID-19 fight

Pennsylvania Department of Health Secretary Dr. Rachel Levine’s Monday news conference was directed toward college students.

“I have a very important message for college and university students; We need your help,” Levine said. “We are seeing significant increases in COVID-19 cases in 19- to 24-year-olds throughout the state.”

Levine said that the northeast and north-central parts of the state are two major areas of concern.

In northeast, 6 percent of cases in April were in 19- to 24-year-olds. So far, for September, 40 percent of cases are in that age group, according to Levine.

In north-central Pennsylvania, in April, approximately 7 percent of cases were in people ages 19-24. So far, in September, 69 percent of cases in north-central Pennsylvania are in 19- to 24-year-olds.

“Throughout the rest of the state, we are seeing about a 19 percent increase in ages 19-24 compared to April,” Levine said. “Why the big jump in cases? The most significant difference in case increase now than in April is that colleges and universities are back in session.

“College and university students are uniquely positioned to help change the course of this virus by changing and adapting your actions to protect yourself, your friends and others in the community.”

Levine said everyone’s action on campus directly affects many members of the community.

“You are very welcome guests in the community where your school is based. But what happens on campus directly impacts everyone off campus and in the community.

“Increases in COVID-19 cases impact local children and their ability to go to school in-person … local businesses and their ability to stay open, and increases in COVID-19 cases impact the courageous and brave individuals who care for our most vulnerable residents in long-term care facilities.”

Levine’s news conference came hours after a federal judge ruled many of Gov. Tom Wolf’s pandemic restrictions to be unconstitutional.

Regardless, none of that changes the data showing a heavy influx of cases in 19- to 24-year-olds that Levine presented.

However, Levine said, “They can’t just send everyone home, because it could lead to even more spread of the virus COVID-19. They need to see what’s on their campus, do robust testing and figure out what’s best for them.”

Levine strongly recommends that people continue the efforts to stop the virus, which means mask wearing, using hand sanitizer and also social distancing in avoiding large gatherings.

“We all have a collective responsibility to try and reduce the spread.”