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Towamensing Township Supervisors

Towamensing Township supervisors took the following action on Thursday:

• Approved the zoning ordinance amendment to move forward with the township planning and Carbon County Planning Commission.

• Tabled discussion on the garbage rate for 2021.

• Tabled awarding bid packages for Diesel/Heating & Anti-Skid/Superpave 19ml material until the board’s next meeting.

• Agreed to support moving the polling place from 120 Stable Road to 105 Firehouse Road, but wanted to be sure the fire department was OK with it.

• Appointed township secretary Jessica Ahner as planning secretary.

• Announced that the tire disposal rate is $3 for car tires; $4 for race car tires, and $7 for truck tires.

• Announced that a budget workshop will be held Sept. 9.

• Announced that a recycling event will held from 8 a.m. to noon Sept. 19 at the township municipal building. The event is open to township residents only, who must provide either their garbage bill or be on the garbage bill list.

- Terry Ahner