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Palmerton news for Aug. 19, 2020

Collecting greeting cards

From now until the end of August, Living Hope Lighthouse Church is collecting cards of encouragement either bought or homemade to give to residents of local nursing homes. The nursing home residents have been most affected by the pandemic and many are feeling abandoned, isolated and depressed. They would like to distribute the cards to them to put a smile on their faces and let them know they are not forgotten. They are asking for the cards to be put in unsealed envelopes and placed in the mailbox beside the bench in the Living Hope Lighthouse community garden at 703 Third St., Palmerton. The goal is to collect at least 300 cards.

Faith Alive Church

Faith Alive Church, 678 Pine St., Bowmanstown is now holding one combined service each Sunday at 10:30 a.m. There are now four options of worshipping: Worship in the sanctuary, must wear a mask, have temperature check, and social distancing required; worship in Leah’s Room with the same rules as sanctuary and must keep the mask on at all times as you watch the live service on a huge screen; you may worship in the parking lot and tune to 104.3; or you may join on Facebook Live. All services are led by Pastor Rob Timlin Sr.

Every Wednesday at 7 p.m. is “Prayer & Praise Service” with the same options of worshipping.

August’s Mission is “Peaceful Knights,” the not-for-profit corporation formed to help those in need to have temporary, safe shelter and access to local organizations that provide assistance. Please consider a gift to this wonderful organization; just drop off your gift at the church.

Faith Alive has a new website, it is www.faithalivechurch.net. Check it out and see all the latest updates and upcoming events at Faith Alive or call the office at 610-852-2805 for more information.

Concert in the Park

The final Sunday in the Park concert will be by The Villagers. The concert will begin at 7 p.m. in the Palmerton Borough Park Bandstand. Please bring a lawn chair, and masks and social distancing are required. No smoking is allowed in the park. In case of inclement weather, the concert will be canceled.

Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church

Sunday services at JELC, 500 Church Drive, Trachsville, will be held in the picnic grove at 9 a.m. Bring a lawn chair and a face mask. Social distancing will be followed. In case of inclement weather, services will be posted on Facebook.

Jerusalem UCC

Worship service at Jerusalem United Church of Christ, Trachsville, will be held in the church grove on Sunday at 9 a.m. Please bring a lawn chair and face masks are required. Social distancing will be followed with families being seated accordingly. Restrooms will be available. You can also remain in your car listening to 95.5 FM.

The Rev. Jennika Borger will lead the service and provide an inspirational message. In case of inclement weather, the service will be held in the sanctuary. You can remain in your car for this service as well. The service will also be recorded and available for viewing around 11 a.m. on Facebook.

St. John’s Lutheran Church

St. John’s Lutheran Church, 2915 Fireline Road, Palmerton will continue to hold Sunday morning worship service outside in the church parking lot at 9:30 p.m.

The service is led by Pastor Jody over an amplified sound system.

The weekly bulletin can be found on St. John’s Facebook. You are invited to join in the service.

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 502 Lafayette Ave., Palmerton will hold Sunday worship in the sanctuary at 10:15 a.m.

Due to limited seating if you plan to attend the service please call the church office at 610-826-2524 and express your intent.

The service is also available on Zoom. Bible study is on Wednesdays at 11 a.m. on Zoom.

Contact Lenora Robertson at 610-826-4913 or 664 Delaware Ave., Palmerton, PA, 18071. Contact the Times News at 800-443-0377 or tneditor@tnonline.com.