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Sometimes it’s not the biggest things that send us over the edge. For example, today I heard that the United States has bought up the worldwide supply of remdesivir. This is currently the most reliable treatment for people struck down by COVID-19. Was this done so that Trump could extort the rest of the world or have we just become greedy pigs? This is yet another indication of what Trump is making of our country. Trump, assisted by the Republican Party, has stripped us of what little self-respect we had left.

We watch as Trump tells us that the virus will disappear and we need do nothing. We watch as Trump betrays our soldiers to Russia because he will not show a scintilla of honor by telling Putin to go to hell. No, Putin must come first, soldiers second. Our judicial system no longer represents the country but only the president. Now we tell our friends and allies to go pound sand if they want the only current treatment to help sick people recover.

I don’t know about you, but I am just bursting with pride! The Republican Party must be proud too or they wouldn’t wholeheartedly support Trump with their silence. Is this what Trump calls making America great again? Me, I just want America to be America again. I want decency and integrity returned. Where have they gone? They have sunk into Trump’s cesspool never to be seen again till he, and certain Republicans, are gone.

Vote in November. Please!

Linda Maguire

Jim Thorpe