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Girls’ letter gets SH court added

Although youngsters living on the west side of Summit Hill have access to two adjoining basketball courts, there had been none located on the east side.

This meant children from the east side who wanted to practice hoops had to cross busy Route 902 and walk across town to enjoy the sport.

This week, thanks to a young girl’s request and the fast response by the borough’s maintenance crew, a basketball court now exists on the east side.

Nets and new poles were installed on a play area next to Summit Hill’s Little League Baseball field off North Elm Street.

Kathryn Wargo, 12, who will be a seventh grade student at the Panther Valley Intermediate School, wrote a letter to Summit Hill Borough Council requesting the new court. She said she was assisted by her friend, Ava Alabovitz, also age 12.

The letter, which was received by the council on Monday, said:

“I play down at the park near the Little League field with my friends. I would like to be able to play basketball at the court there. My dad won’t let me go across the highway by myself because of how busy it is.

“There are rims there, but the poles are out of the ground, and there are no nets attached to them. There are some cracks with weeds on the court as well.

“Would you be able to fix the basketball court for the kids on my side of the highway so we can play, too, without having to go to the Ginter?

“Thank you for considering my request for my friends and me.”

Ronald Yuricheck, borough work leader, told the council there were extra basketball poles and nets within the borough. He offered to apply sealant to the cracks in the court.

“It’s a nice area for kids on the east side to hang out,” Yuricheck said.

The letter was read at Monday’s meeting of Summit Hill Borough Council. By Thursday, Yuricheck had the court operational.

Both Wargo and Alabovitz were pleased they now have nets close to their neighborhood.

Both girls play for the Panther Valley Youth Basketball Association, and both are hoping to make the Panther Valley Girls Junior High Basketball team.

Wargo said she comes to play basketball here “for enjoyment.”

Alabovitz agreed and said, “Crossing the highway isn’t (the) best.”

Wargo is the daughter of David and Katie Wargo.

Alabovitz is the daughter of Michael and Meredith Alabovitz.

Katie Wargo, center, of Summit Hill, shoots at a new basket installed next to the Little League baseball field in Summit Hill. Joining her are Ava Alabovitz (right) and Zoe Alabovitz. RON GOWER/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS