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Marian students do well at state FBLA conference

Every year, Marian Catholic High School’s chapter of the Future Business Leaders of America has a large majority of its members competing at the regional level.

Whether they are competing in an online test in topics such as parliamentary procedure or securities and investments, or presenting their speeches to judges on business ethics or even sales presentation, Marian has always been fortunate enough to have many students advancing to the state level of competition.

Unfortunately, this year the students were not able to physically attend the state conference, but were able to compete virtually. Subsequently, the scores were compiled and a virtual awards ceremony was held.

The following Marian FBL students placed in their events:

Thomas Betterly, sixth in job interview; the team of Jonathan Bonomo, Sarah Halupa, and Makenna Piaskowski, fourth in hospitality management; and advancing to the national level of competition; the team of Samantha Eroh and Emily Eroh, seventh in emerging business issues; the team of Alison Anilosky, Andraya Pikitus, and Maxwell Schwabe, eighth in business ethics.

The fourth place finish by the team of Bonomo, Halupa, and Piaskowski in hospitality management advanced them to the national level of competition that was slated to be held in Salt Lake City, Utah. That will now be a virtual event.

Several Marian FBLA members also received special achievement awards They included:

• Senior Thomas Betterly - Who’s Who Award; William H. Selden Scholarship of $500 Business Achievement Award; Community Service Award; Member of the National Business Honor Society, PA Chapter.

• Junior Maxwell Schwabe - Business Achievement Award; Community Service Award.

Special awards and recognition were also given to various school chapters of FBLA. Marian received both the Gold Seal Chapter Award of Merit and the Local Market Share Award. The Gold Seal Chapter Award is given to chapters whose members are invested and involved in PA FBLA and national programs.

The Market Share Award is an award given to a school with the largest percentages of students who are FBLA members.

Marian finished in second place with 39% school involvement.

Marian’s Maxwell Schwabe also has been elected to serve as the FBLA state president for the upcoming 2020-2021 year.

Maxwell Schwabe
Andraya Pikitus
Makenna Piaskowski
Sarah Halupa
Samantha Eroh
Emily Eroh
Jonathan Bonomo
Thomas Betterly
Alison Anilosky