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Summit Hill’s Batter’s Box to reopen Tuesday

After a temporary closure, the Batter’s Box Sports Bar & Grille will reopen for business today.

“We had an O3 machine that came in and cleaned it up. We finished up disinfecting today,” said Danny Matika, owner of the Batter’s Box.

Matika does not have COVID-19 and is symptom free. The voluntary close was for precautionary reasons.

The Batter’s Box, located in Summit Hill, will be open to 50 percent capacity on its outside deck through Thursday. “Our employees will be masked up,” Matika said.

When Carbon County goes green on Friday, the inside of the venue will be able to operate at 50 percent capacity as well. Matika explained that everyone must be seated, which means no standing around a bar, no playing darts and no jukebox.

According to its Facebook page, the Batter’s Box will open at 3 p.m. on Tuesday.