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No street sweeping in Nesquehoning this year

Nesquehoning is forgoing its street sweeping this year to save on costs.

Last week, borough council announced its decision because it would help save some money in the budget, and winter didn’t have many weather events that required the use of cinders.

RoniSue Ahner, borough secretary, said that residents can sweep up the cinders on the street in front of their property and place them in a pile. They can then call the borough and the street crew will come out to clean up the pile.

In other matters, council discussed or acted on the following items:

• Appointed Bruce Nalesnik to the borough planning commission.

• Council wants to find out from Tamaqua Transfer a time schedule for garbage pickup in the borough because as of now, there doesn’t appear to be a set time schedule of when garbage will be picked up in each area.

• Council also wants to know where recycling is going once it is picked up.

• Voted to advertise for the Johnson Park project once specifications are ready. The project has been condensed slightly in size.

• Passed a resolution for the 2021 parking fee along Locust Street to increase monthly fee. The new fee is $25 per month, up from $5 a month this year.