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Panther Valley sets kindergarten registration

Robert Palazzo, Panther Valley Elementary School principal, has announced that kindergarten registration will be held online for the 2020-21 school year. Students must turn 5 by Oct. 1 to enroll in kindergarten.

If you are unable to complete online registration, you will need to come to the elementary school to pick up a registration packet.

Packets will be available beginning June 8 on Mondays-Fridays between 8 a.m.-1 p.m.

Completed packets will then need to be returned to the building with the supporting documents required for registration (proof of birth date, current immunizations, and proof of residency).

Directions for registering online:

1. Go to tinyurl.com/pvesregistration on your computer or phone/tablet internet browser

2. Click create “new account,” even if you already have children in the district

3. Fill in the information requested. It will state that you will need to confirm your email. You do not need to do this and you may log in with your created email/password right away to begin the registration process

4. Log in using the email and password you registered

5. Click “create” to start a new registration

6. Complete all required information in the registration application and hit “submit registration.”

Required information is designated by items with a red star next to them. If you do not have a required item completed, it will not let you submit the registration.

Please note that you will need to upload pictures/documents to finalize your child’s registration, including proof of birth date, current immunizations, and proof of residency.

The program does let you save a registration and return to it at a later time if you do not have all the items needed when you begin the process.

Some questions have a blue question mark next to it to provide you with more information if you are unsure of how to respond.

After you submit the registration, it will be reviewed by Terese Altemose, building secretary.

If something needs to be adjusted, you will receive an email asking you to submit that information.

Please note that because the school was unable to conduct student screenings or hold our summer program, the school may need to adjust kindergarten class assignments after the first two weeks of school to best meet the needs of each student.

As a result, the school will not be able to honor teacher requests.

As state regulations are set, more information will be mailed to your home about kindergarten by the end of July, including dates for an open house.

“We appreciate your understanding and flexibility and look forward to meeting your child soon,” Palazzo said.